Monday, February 16, 2009

Fishing lovers

Minnesotans are crazy in fishing. They fish in summer. They fish in winter. They fish when there's a storm. And they fish when their wives are having babies, not really. But who knows, some hardcore fishermen may have an urge to finish their Spring fishing opener before going back to take their wives to hospital for labor.

My point is Minnesotans take fishing seriously, and sometimes at a cost. Just look at the "dumb trucks" fell through the ice and you know those guys, very rare is woman, just don't know what it means by "thin ice."

Don't get me wrong, I like fishing too, but doing it for leisure. The last thing I wanted to try is having my ass sitting above a frozen lake to fish. Skating and playing with hockey stick handling give me some exercises, but sitting down to fish will freeze my ass off, so it's a no no...

Credit: Top, Joey McLeister 2005, Star Tribune. Bottom, Marlin Levison, 2008, Star Tribune

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